Stephen Harper on CEE Issues

Stephen Harper and his cabinet have maintained very strong positions on Russia and the CEE region. Their support of aid and military training missions in Ukraine as well as an increase in NATO presence in the Baltic Sea region have made Canada a leader on international issues in the region.

In addition to the large list of individuals and other entities sanctioned by the Canadian government, Stephen Harper has pledged to adopt Magnitsky legislation and has committed $10 million to creating a digital freedom fund to help develop counter-narratives against Russia’s propaganda. Defence Minister, Jason Kenney has also announced that a re-elected Conservative government would establish a Financial Task Force, which would help track financial transactions and improve Canada’s ability to enforce its sanctions against Russian entities.

Below are a collection of links and quotes from Stephen Harper on CEE isssues.

Stephen Harper’s Statements in Support of CEE Issues:

Stephen Harper Condemns Russia’s actions in Ukraine

Stephen Harper Condemns the downing of MH17 by Kremlin supported terrorists

Stephen Harper on Baltic issues

Stephen Harper adds sanctions June 2015