Central and Eastern European Communities in Canada Condemn Violent Crackdown in Belarus

TORONTO – The Central and Eastern European Council in Canada, representing the interests of 4.5 million Canadians of Central and Eastern European heritage, strongly condemns the violent crackdown on peaceful protestors in Belarus and the mass electoral fraud committed by the Lukashenka regime.

The CEEC calls on the Lukashenka regime to step aside after 26 years and finally give the Belarusian people the opportunity to grow and prosper in a democratic society free of repression, corruption and fear.

Thousands of brave Belarusian protestors have been detained, many viciously beaten and at least one protester has been killed. Riot police using water cannons, rubber bullets and stun grenades have been deployed to suppress protestors in at least a dozen Belarusian cities.

“The Central and Eastern European communities in Canada stand with all Belarusian Canadians and the people of Belarus in their struggle for freedom and democracy,” said CEEC President, Marcus Kolga. “Canada must work with our allies to hold Lukashenka and his officials to account for their abuse of human rights and mass corruption.”

The CEEC urges the Government of Canada to: 

  • Call out and hold the Lukashenka regime to account for its mass repression of protestors, opposition leaders and media;
  • Work with our allies to apply coordinated Magnitsky sanctions against corrupt Belarusian officials who have abused the rights of their people beginning with Lidia Yarmoshyna, the head of Belarus’ Central Election Commission;
  • Work with our allies to support Belarusians and civil society groups who seek change, freedom and democracy for their people. 


For more information ceecouncilincanada@gmail.com